How to tie different types of fishing knots

  • By: fishlovers
  • Date: July 15, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Knowing how to tie a fishing hook is just as important as selecting the right reel,right fishing line or mastering the fishing technique. There are plenty of techniques to tie a fishing hook , consisting of various types of knots. So if you’d like to know all about your fishing basics and have a general idea of the different types of knots to secure your fishing hook to the pole, then this article is for you.

If you’re looking to reel in some heavy fish, you’ll need to secure your fish hook with strong, reliable knots. Depending on your line, hook gauge, and fishing technique, a variety of knots are best for success

It is important to make sure then knot is firm and secure, since a sloppily done knot will not yield any catches. Hence it is better one master the knots before you set out on your fishing journey.

Here’s a list of some commonly used fishing knots to help tie a fishing hook:

1.Fishing knot type loop

It is the most basic type of loop and can be of two types based on the number of passes done in the inferior zone as simple loop and reinforced loop.

It can be used for almost anything.

2.The knotless knot

The knotless knot is one of the simplest and quicker solutions to snell a hook. It is done by:

  • Cut the line to your preferred size and loop the end of it.
  • Tie the loop (this part will be for the bait).
  •  Insert the opposite end through the eye of the fish hook from front to back.  Hold the shank and wrap the line around 6-8 times heading down toward the end of the hook and leader line.
  • Next, grab the other end of your line and push it through the hook’s eye from back to front.
  • Step 6: Lastly, it’s time to tighten your knot. Moisten it, hold the hook and the looped part of the line firmly and pull the other end to complete the knot.
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knotless knot

3.Clinch knot

Nowadays a modified version of the clinch knot called the Improved Clinch knot is used, which is done by:

  • Thread end of line through eye of hook. Double back making 5 or more turns around standing line.
  • Bring end of line back through the first loop formed behind the eye then through the big loop.
  • Wet knot and pull on tag end to tighten down the coils. Slide tight against the eye and clip tag end close.
clinch knot

4.Palomar Knot

The Palomar Knot is mostly used to secure the fishing hook and is also used for braided lines more commonly. The Palomar knot is done by the following the steps:

  • Start by folding over your fishing line to make a loop. Thread the loop through the hook’s eye.
  •  Make an overhand knot with slack.
  • Move the loop portion around the end of the fish hook.
  • Pull and tighten the line to fasten the knot

5.Turle knot

Turle knot is effective while fishing with a small hook and thin line. Here’s how to tie a Turtle Knot:

  • Thread a line through the eye of the hook or fly.
  • Tie a loose overhand knot
  • Pass the loop over the end of the hook

6.Dropper loop

Used mostly for bait fishing or jigging. The Dropper Loop Knot creates a loop that stands out at perpendicular to the length of the line. It can be used in your leader or tippet to provide an extra attachment point for an additional fly. If desired the loop can be made long enough to set a hook directly on it.

  • Form a loop and wrap the tag end 6 or more times around the fishing line itself while holding one side. (Keep the part open where you’re making the twists.)
  • Take the original loop and put it through the opening in the middle
  • Pull both ends tightly in opposite directions until the turns tighten into coils.
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When lubricated and pulled tight, the knot changes its structure. Pulling on each end forces the wrapped turns to redistribute the twists so that the inner strand becomes an outer wrap

7.Uni Knot or hangman Knot

The Uni Knot or Hangman knot is one of the must-know Knots to all those who have begun to learn fishing. It is preferred due to its ability to secure the monofilament line to the hook. It helps in maintaining the strength of the fishing line.

  • Push the tag end of the line through the eye, and bring it side-by-side to the standing line. Lay the tag end to create a loop over the doubled line.
  • Pass the line underneath the loop and make about 8 turns with the working end around the doubled line.
  • Wet the lines and pull the end until it’s very tight.
uni knot

8.Double Uni Knot

It is a modified version of the Uni Knot used to securely hold two lines.

  • Overlap the ends of both lines by creating a loop over the double line on each side.
  • Wrap both tag ends 3-4 times around both lines on their respective sides, passing within the loop each time.
  • You should now have tied two uni knots.
  • Slowly tighten the standing lines to secure the two knots together.
uni double knot

9.Blood Knot 

Unlike the previous knots, the Blood Knot is actually not for securing your line to a fish hook. Instead, the Blood Knot connects two pieces of fishing line together. You can use this knot if you have a pre-strung fish hook and want to attach it to a longer line, or to mend broken fishing line.

  • Line up a few inches of two tag ends side-by-side and wrap one around the other five times (at minimum).
  •  Next, wrap the other line five more times on the original. Bring the loose ends through the hole in the middle.
  •  Pull on both ends tightly until the coils come together as much as they can.
See Also:  How to Choose Bait for Fishing ( Important things To Consider )

10.Surgeon’s Knot

Surgeon’s knot or the Double Surgeon’s Loop is used to attach two lines like how Blood Knot is can also be used to create a loop at the end of the line. It is often used to make a loop to loop connection that allows the artificial lure or fly to move naturally.

  • Double the line and create an overhand knot
  • Pass the same loop through the hole in the knot again and tighten

Tips to keep in mind for any Fishing Knot

  • Follow the instructions, familiarize yourself with the steps to tie the knot.
  • Make sure to wet the line before tightening the knot completely.
  • Hold the fish hook carefully and meticulously insert the hook eye.
  • Trim the excess line after tying the knot.
  • Practice, practise and practise until you get it right!

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